Multiple choice trivia questions are a fantastic choice if you want to learn while having fun.
These questions feature three possible answers, making it easier to respond if you’re unsure between two possibilities. It suggests that your chances of getting the right answer right are much higher!
People who dislike browsing through books may find multiple choice trivia questions and answers PDF to be a nice alternative because it doesn’t feel like a big task.
It aids in knowledge acquisition, but it also promotes efficient brain function. If you want to be effective, you should answer the multiple choice trivia questions for kids that we have acquired.
Although many individuals believe they have strong general knowledge, these multiple choice general knowledge quizzes with answers will reveal just how smart you are! You must go through these two articles. general trivia questions and funny trivia questions if you like this trivia series.
Multiple Choice Trivia Questions
How long is an Olympic swimming pool?
- 50 meters
- 60 meters
- 70 meters
Which country do the cities of Perth; Adelade & Brisbane belong to?
- France
- Australia
- Russia
How many languages are written from right to left?
- 8
- 10
- 12
What is the name of the biggest technology company in South Korea?
- Samsung
- Infinix
- Sony
Click here to read: 70+ Multiple Choice Trivia Questions and Answers for Knowledge Testing
The Romanized Arabic word for “moon” What is t?
- Sitara
- Qamar
- Zameen
What is the most consumed manufactured drink in the world?
- Soft Drink
- Pepsi
- Tea
Which country invented ice cream?
- China
- Japan
- Italy
What sport is dubbed the “king of sports”?
- Baseball
- Soccer
- Super Bowl
What’s the fastest land animal?
- Horse
- Lion
- Cheetah
Also read: 50+ Motivating Bible Trivia Questions and Answers Multiple Choice
How many colors are there in the rainbow?
- Seven
- Five
- Ten
What’s the smallest country in the world?
- Israel
- Vatican City
- Ireland
How many hearts does an octopus have?
- 1
- 2
- 3
What type of animal is a Flemish giant?
- Rabbit
- Duck
- Pijeon
What is the largest planet in the solar system?
- Mars
- Jupiter
- Earth
You may like this: 80+ Printable Bible Trivia Questions and Answers Multiple Choice
How many teeth does an adult human have?
- 28
- 30
- 32
What year was the very first model of the iPhone released?
- 2007
- 2009
- 2010
Who is often called the father of the computer?
- Jon Won Neumann
- Charles Babbage
- William Smith
Which email service is owned by Microsoft?
- Yahoo
- Gmail
- Hotmail
What is the symbol for potassium?
- K
- P
- O
What part of the atom has no electric charge?
- Proton
- Neutron
- Electron
Multiple Choice Trivia Questions Funny
How many molecules of oxygen does ozone have?
- One
- Two
- Three
In which year was the first episode of South Park aired?
- 1997
- 1995
- 1999
which US city is Broadway located?
- Las Vegas City
- New York City
- Los Angeles
In which year was Broadway established?
- 1740
- 1745
- 1750
Which Williams’s sister has won more Grand Slam titles?
- Serena
- Merritt
- Shangri-La
You must read: 35+ Funny trivia questions multiple choice with answers
Which racer holds the record for the Grandest Prix wins?
- John William
- Michael Schumacher
- James Smith
What sport was Jesse Owens involved in?
- Track and Tour
- Tour and Travel
- Track and field
Which country produces the most coffee in the world?
- Brazil
- Italy
- Japan
What is the national dish of Spain?
- Bella
- Paella
- Biryani
What is your body’s largest organ?
- The Bone
- The Heart
- The Skin
Multiple Choice Trivia Questions and Answers PDF
What percentage of our bodies is made up of water?
- 60-65%
- 70-75%
- 80-85%
Which element is said to keep bones strong?
- Fat
- Calcium
- Protein
In Which American state is the largest (by area)?
- Nevada
- Texas
- Alaska
Which city in India would you find the Taj Mahal in?
- Agra
- Mumbai
- Gujarat
In which year did World War I begin?
- 1910
- 1914
- 1918
Also check out: 80+ funny trivia questions multiple choice
Which country did AC/DC originate in?
- America
- France
- Australia
How many Grammys does John Legend have?
- Ten
- Nine
- Five
When was the company Nike founded?
- 1965
- 1971
- 1980
What animal is on Levi’s logo?
- Dog
- Cat
- Horse
What is the tallest building in the world?
- Burj Khalifa
- Warisan Merdeka Tower
- Shanghai Tower
Multiple Choice Trivia Questions for Adults
Which American president was involved in the Watergate scandal?
- George Bush
- Nixon
- Barak Obama
How many presidents have been impeached?
- One
- Two
- Three
How long is the gestation period of an African elephant?
- 22 months
- 24 months
- 26 months
Which mammal has no vocal cords?
- Cheetah
- Giraffe
- Lion
How many eyes does a bee have?
- One
- Three
- Five
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Who is the richest person in the world as of 2021?
- Elon Musk
- Bill gate
- Larry Page
Which watch company has a pointed crown as its logo?
- Casio
- Rolex
- Rado
How many stripes does Adidas have?
- 1
- 2
- 3
How many cards are there in a deck of Uno?
- 108
- 110
- 112
What sport is featured in the video game “FIFA”?
- Baseball
- Football
- Basketball
Multiple Choice General Knowledge Quiz with Answers
What holiday is called “turkey day”?
- Valentine’s Day
- Anniversary
- Thanksgiving Day
Who was the last prophet of Islam?
- Muhammad
- Musa
- Yaqoob
In which country was Buddha born?
- Iran
- Nepal
- India
How many time zones are there in Russia?
- 7
- 9
- 11
What is considered a normal human heart rate?
- 60-100 bpm
- 70-110 bpm
- 80- 120 bpm
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What color is chlorophyll?
- Yellow
- Green
- White
Which of these animals has the most legs?
- Bee
- Octopus
- Crab
Historical figures were born first which of these?
- Joan of Arc
- Leonardo da Vinci
- Marie Antoinette
Which of these is NOT considered a “mother sauce”?
- Hollandaise
- Sofrito
- Béchamel
Which of these candy bars does not have nuts in it?
- Baby Ruth
- Payday
- Mounds
Random Funny Multiple-Choice Questions with Answers
Which of the following actors has a doctorate degree?
- Ken Jeong
- Natalie Portman
- Sandra Oh
Plays is NOT credited to William Shakespeare?
- Pericles
- Antigone
- Cymbeline
Which country is Peppa Pig from?
- United States
- Japan
- United Kingdom
animals not in the rodent family is which?
- Ferret
- Chinchilla
- Groundhog
Which is the correct number of Canadian provinces?
- Eight
- Ten
- Nine
Also try this: 90+ Exciting Science Trivia Questions To Test Your Scientific Knowledge
From which of these products is the oldest?
- Cozy Coupe
- Polly Pocket
- Chia Pet
Which were frequent subjects in Georgia O’Keeffe’s paintings?
- Flowers
- Kittens
- Fruit
The deepest point in the ocean Which of these.
- Mariana’s Point
- Challenger Deep
- Oceanic Limit
Which of these movie franchises does not have Samuel L. Jackson in it?
- The Matrix
- Die Hard
- Jurassic Park
Which of the following animals went extinct in the 20th century?
- Stellar’s Sea Cow
- Passenger Pigeon
- Dodo bird
Multiple Choice Trivia Questions for Kids
Which of the following is not the name of a Golden Girl?
- Blanche
- Sophia
- Debbie
What colors are the stars on the American flag?
- White
- Red
- Pink
How many planets are in our solar system?
- Six
- Eight
- Ten
What do you use to write on a blackboard?
- Marker
- Pen
- Chalk
How many days are in a year?
- 365
- 300
- 350
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How many sides does a triangle have?
- Two
- Three
- Four
Which superhero can climb up walls and buildings?
- Batman
- Superman
- Spiderman
In which country is home to the kangaroo?
- Australia
- England
- China
Which country did Justin Bieber come from?
- Japan
- Canada
- Ireland
When is Valentine’s Day celebrated?
- 11th of February
- 18th of February
- 14th of February
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