Trivia questions are basically such questions that contain informational questions, which are less valued, or you can say optional knowledge. If you have that knowledge in your mind then that could be well and good, but if you don’t have that knowledge then it does not matter a lot. In this article, we have trivia questions and answers. This means answers are attached to every question.
In this list of trivia questions, you’ll find general trivia questions and answers, Movie trivia questions and answers, Sports trivia questions and answers, History trivia questions and answers, Bible trivia questions and answers, fun trivia questions and answers, random trivia questions and answers, Halloween trivia questions and answers, Easy trivia questions and answers, Christmas trivia questions and answers and Holiday trivia questions and answers.
Some trivia questions are very easy to answer. You can take these trivia questions as a game also. And the main question is how to play trivia questions as a game. First of all, you need to take a pen and some paper. Read all questions one by one without checking the answer. Write each question’s answer on a paper in your hand. After completion of the list of trivia questions, you can tally the answers with your written answers. According to that answers, you can give yourself a score. You can play this trivia game in the group also.
Trivia questions and answers
In which country it is against the law to have a pet dog?
Answer: In Iceland
What is the name of the city which exists on every continent?
Answer: Rome
Can you die yourself by stopping your breath?
Answer: No
The human eye can process how many bits of information every hour?
Answer: 36000 bits
If color will not be added to coca-cola, then what would be the color of Coca-Cola?
Answer: Green
What are the 6 official languages of the UN?
Answer: English, French, Arabic, Chinese, Russian and Spanish
What is the name of the only mammal which can’t jump?
Answer: Elephant
On average, a person laughs how many times a day?
Answer: 10 Times
Does an average person need how many minutes to fall asleep?
Answer: 7 minutes
Which English word has more definitions?
Answer: The word “Set” has more definitions
Which country introduces postcards?
Answer: Austria
The fifth-largest continent Antarctica is owned by which country?
Answer: No country owns the continent of Antarctica
Which Ocean is surrounded by Antarctica?
Answer: Southern Ocean
How much area of the land is covered by continent Antarctica?
Answer: 14,200,000 Km2
As we all know that Antarctica is covered by a large number of ice. Do you know the average thickness of that ice?
Answer: 1.9 km
What is the coldest, driest and windiest land on the earth?
Answer: Continent Antarctica
About how much percent of fresh water is frozen in continent Antarctica?
Answer: About 70% of freshwater stuck in Antarctica
On average how many billion pounds of food are wasted yearly in the US?
Answer: Approx 96 billion pounds
Which country doesn’t have a railway system?
Answer: Iceland
In which country the house of the speaker is not allowed to speak?
Answer: In England
General trivia questions and answers
General trivia questions and answers are not specific to any topic, it can cover multiple topics under one heading. For example in general trivia questions heading you can cover sports, animals, entertainment, movies, Christmas, music, science, and all other topics that you want. In this heading I have covered some animal-related questions, some questions are related to earth and some are related to different countries. So I am sure that you’ll improve your knowledge by reading these general trivia questions with answers.
Which is the only city, located on 2 continents, Asia and Europe?
Answer: Istanbul which is the city of Turkey, located on 2 continents
What is the most popular first name in the world?
Answer: Muhammad
Giving a tip in a restaurant is considered an insult in which country?
Answer: Iceland
Do you know, at what rate Mexico City is sinking?
Answer: 18 inches per year
Do you know how many red blood cells a human body creates per second?
Answer: 15 million
The musical instrument violin contains how many separate wooden pieces?
Answer: 70
The fear of being buried alive is called what?
Answer: Taphephobia
How many times the Sun is larger than the Earth?
Answer: 330,330
How many species of animals exist in the world?
Answer: More than 1 million
What animal can survive for more than 3 years without food?
Answer: Tarantula
When a human sneezes, the heart stops for how much time?
Answer: The heart stops for a mili-second.
Which animal can’t walk backward?
Answer: Kangaroos
If you want your color to be orange then which vegetable do you need to eat?
Answer: Carrots
A goldfish is called twit in what stage?
Answer: When a goldfish pregnant
Which 2 animals can’t vomit?
Answer: Rats and Horses
What is the national animal of Scotland?
Answer: Unicorn
Which country is abundant in Pyramids?
Answer: Sudan
What is the name of the smallest mammal in the world?
Answer: Bumblebee
German chocolate cake was invented in which country?
Answer: The USA
The first-ever animated film was released in which country?
Answer: Argentina
Read more: 60+ general trivia questions and answers
Movie trivia questions and answers
Everyone loves to watch movies, especially story movies which have some lessons to learn. But it is not possible to keep all stories and questions in mind. That’s why we are crafting this movie trivia questions and answers which will remind you of the favorite parts of blockbuster movies. In this movie trivia questions list I have covered my all-time favorite movie Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, and some other movies.
Also, we have covered the latest famous Netflix season “Money Heist”. I know this is not a movie, but due to its worldwide popularity I wish to cover this season also in this movie trivia questions and answers topic.
Everyone remembers the movie Shawshank Redemption, Do you remember the cell number of Andy in this movie?
Answer: 245
In the movie The Green Mile, John Coffey miraculously revived a mouse. Do you remember the name of that mouse?
Answer: Mr. Jingles
Who was the producer of the famous Netflix series Money Heist?
Answer: Alex Pina
What is the original name of the most famous character of money heist “The Professor”?
Answer: Alvaro Morte
The second most famous character in the money heist was Tokyo. Do you know her real name?
Answer: Ursula Corbero
In money heist season one, which building do they target for the heist?
Answer: Royal Mint of Spain
In which year Netflix acquired the global streaming rights of the money heist?
Answer: In late 2017
On which date did Netflix release the first episode of money heist worldwide?
Answer: On 20 December 2017
What is the most watched non-English series on Netflix till now 2022?
Answer: Money Heist
What is the original name of the famous money heist character Raquel Murillo?
Answer: Itziar Ituno
Do you know the original name of the famous money heist character Berlin?
Answer: Pedro Alonso
Do you know the original name of the famous character Nairobi?
Answer: Alba Flores
What is the fictional city name of the famous character Batman?
Answer: Gotham City
Do you know the release date of the fiction movie “Pulp Fiction”?
Answer: Pulp Fiction was released in 1994
What was the reason, why the production team impose a fine for latecomers in the movie “The Shawshank Redemption”?
Answer: Because the shooting schedule was very tight
Hogwarts is the fictional school name of which famous movie?
Answer: Harry Potter
In which famous movie did Bruce Willis play the convict turned time traveler?
Answer: 12 Monkeys
What was the name of the gang leader who often assaulted Andy in prison in the movie “The Shawshank Redemption”?
Answer: Bogs
After the escape from the prison Andy movie to which country in the movie “The Shawshank Redemption”?
Answer: Mexico
Love Me Tender was the first movie of which a famous character?
Answer: Elvis Presley
Read more: 60+ Most Challenging 90’s Trivia Questions and Answers
Fun trivia questions and answers
Fun is an important part of learning. Without fun in learning you get bored very early. Keeping this thing in mind we are including some fun trivia questions and answers in this trivia list. This portion is especially for kids. Because kids get bored too early while studying. So if you have kids then try to involve some funny stuff in their learning environment. That could be very better for learning.
The second option is to break the knowledge into chunks just like quiz questions or trivia questions. In trivia questions, you have a certain piece of information that will be very easy to understand.
In the movie “Fight Club” Narrator was the name of which famous character?
Answer: Edward Norton
Which 2 things does Warden Norton believe in, in the movie “The Shawshank Redemption”?
Answer: Discipline and the Lord
The famous saying “I’ll be back” came from which favorite movie?
Answer: Terminator
Who played the main character in the movie “Edward Scissorhands”?
Answer: Johnny Depp
What was the name of the Elf who take part in the Fellowship of the ring in the movie “The Lord of The Rings”?
Answer: Legolas
Which “12 Angry Men” character also starred in “Odd Couple”?
Answer: Jack Klugman
The famous crime novel “The Godfather” was written by?
Answer: Mario Puzo
In the famous movie “Life Is Beautiful” what was the profession of Guido Orefice?
Answer: He was a bookshop owner
Who was the writer of the famous movie “The seven Samurai”?
Answer: Akira Kurosawa
Do you remember the name of the person who revealed to Andy the true identity of the person who murdered Andy’s wife in the movie “The Shawshank Redemption”?
Answer: Tommy Williams
Who was the director of the top-rated movie “The Godfather”?
Answer: Francis Ford Coppola
Do you know the name of the author and the screenwriter of the movie “The Green Mile”?
Answer: Stephen King
Singspiel, a classic music drama is the culture of which country?
Answer: Germany
The ground from where a tennis match is being played is called what?
Answer: Tennis court
How many players can play the sport called Tennis?
Answer: Single Tennis match has a total of 2 players, one on both ends, and a multiple Tennis match has 2 players on both sides
Who was the champion of the French open 2022?
Answer: Rafael Nadal
French open 2022 final was played on which date?
Answer: Jun 5, 2022
French open 2022 was started on which date?
Answer: May 22, 2022
Who was the French open 2022 runner-up?
Answer: Casper Ruud
French open 2022 women champion name?
Answer: Lga Swiatek
Read more: Most Exciting 60+ Spring Trivia Questions and Answers
Christmas trivia questions and answers
Christmas is the biggest holiday event in the world. It is an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. And it is celebrated on 25 December every year. Christmas trivia questions and answers will give you a strong knowledge about the Christmas event.
Due to the popularity of Christmas, there are multiple movies made on this topic also. So in this Christmas trivia questions list, you’ll find information about Christmas movies, Knowledge about Saint Clause, and also some Christmas trivia about the tradition of Christmas celebration and history of Christmas, etc.
On Christmas day, Christians celebrate the birthday of whom?
Answer: Jesus Christ
What is the second name of Saint Nicholas?
Answer: Santa Claus
What is the number of wise men visited when Jesus was born?
Answer: There were 3 wise men
The Christmas season contains how many days?
Answer: Total of 12 days
Eggnog is beverage linked to which tradition?
Answer: Christmas
Which creature made a blanket for Jesus to keep him warm according to the famous Polish legend?
Answer: A spider
What is the Dutch name of Santa Clause?
Answer: Sinterklaas
In the US, which professional sport has special events or games on Christmas day?
Answer: NBA
Which area choose Santa clause to enter in the homes of children?
Answer: He use the Chimney
Which candy is most associated with the Christmas Holiday?
Answer: Candy Cane
Read more Christmas trivia questions and answers
Bible trivia questions and answers
Bible trivia questions and answers are all about Bible, A bible is actually a collection of religious texts, and verses that have holy faith in Christianity, Judaism, Samaritanism, and many other religions. The Bible is originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Koine Greek.
By keeping the importance and respect in mind, we have crafted these bible trivia questions with answers which will surely go to increase your knowledge about the Holy book Bible. In this topic, you’ll find information about Isaac, Abraham, Esau, and also the history of the Bible.
According to the Bible Jonathan is the best friend of who?
Answer: David
The name of the father of David was?
Answer: Jesse
According to the Bible, how many days did Jonah spend in the great fish’s belly?
Answer: 3 days and 3 nights
What was the name of Jacob’s brother?
Answer: Esau
What was the name of Abraham’s second wife?
Answer: Keturah
In which place did Jesus give his first sermon to the public?
Answer: On the mount
What was the number of silver pieces Joseph’s brother received after-sale him into slavery?
Answer: 20 Pieces
Do you remember the very first 3 words of the Bible?
Answer: In the beginning
According to the Bible, how many apostles did Jesus Christ call unto him?
Answer: 12 in total
What was the name of the apostle who save the creatures and animals of the world by building the gargantuan ark?
Answer: Noah
Bethlehem is the city name of whom?
Answer: David
What was the name of the 2 apostles which were called earlier by Jesus Christ?
Answer: Andrew and Peter
What was the name of Lot’s uncle?
Answer: Abraham
According to the Bible, in the beginning, what did God give humans for meat?
Answer: Herb
What was the age of Abraham when Isaac was born?
Answer: Approximately 100 years old
Read more: 70+ Bible trivia questions and answers
Halloween trivia questions and answers
Allhalloween is another name for Halloween but it is less famous than the word Halloween. The Halloween festival is celebrated annually on 31 October. The festival celebrates in many countries including the USA, Australia, Canada, Australia, Ireland, Scotland, and some other countries. If you don’t know too much about Halloween then don’t need to worry, These Halloween trivia questions and answers is for you.
In this specific topic, we are covering the history of Halloween, The tradition of Halloween, and covered some other topics related to Halloween. In this Halloween trivia question, we break the information into small junks, so that everyone can easily understand. This list of trivia questions include some Halloween movie trivia questions also. So if you are a Halloween festival lover then this topic is for you.
Halloween is also named as what?
Answer: Allhalloween
What is the date of the Halloween celebration?
Answer: Halloween celebrate on 31 October every year
Halloween was originally originated from which two countries?
Answer: From Ireland and Scotland
In the USA and other countries, Halloween spread in which century?
Answer: late 20th and early 21st century
What activities include on Halloween day?
Answer: Trick or treating, guising, attending Halloween costume parties, carving pumpkins into Jack-o-lanterns, bonfires, apple bobbing, divination games, playing pranks etc.
How religious persons spend Halloween? What were their activities?
Answer: attending church, Lighting candles on the graves of the dead etc
In 16th century what was the culture of Halloween celebration in Ireland and Scotland?
Answer: they mostly mumming and guising.
Pet costumes are also popular in this modern era. Do you know in 2018 how much money spend on pet costumes?
Answer: $480 Million
On Halloween celebration, which color is used to represent ghosts and full moon?
Answer: White color
Which night is called Devil’s night day?
Answer: 30th day, The day before Halloween
What is the most famous costumes which people wear during Halloween?
Answer: Vampire
In Halloween the purple color means what?
Answer: Supernatural and Mysticism
Samhainophobia is the fear of what?
Answer: Fear of Halloween
Jack-o-lanterns were made from which type of vegetable?
Answer: Turnips
New York Halloween parade was initiated in which year?
Answer: in 1973
Read more: 60+ Halloween trivia questions and answers
Easy trivia questions and answers
Easy trivia questions and answers contain very basic questions, this section is basically for those whose knowledge is very limited or you can say this section is for 5th-grade students. The list contains easy trivia questions and answers for kids also. These easy trivia questions are from different categories including animals, sports, movies, chemistry, physics, marine life, etc.
If your basic knowledge is strong then, you can move to difficult trivia questions also, which absolutely contain some hard quiz questions. If you are a parent then suggest this section of trivia questions to your children.
Diamond is completely made up of which element?
Answer: Carbon
PI has how many digits?
Answer: Infinite
How many percentages of CO2 exist in the natural air?
Answer: 0.4%
Foxes and Wolves belong to which type of mammals?
Answer: Canines
What is the name of the only bird which can fly backward?
Answer: Hummingbird
Do you know the first element of the periodic table?
Answer: Hydrogen
Sir Isaac Newton presents how many laws of motion?
Answer: three laws of motion
What is the name of the device which measures an earthquake?
Answer: Richter Scale
Do you know the average weight of the human brain?
Answer: About 3 pounds
Jellyfish body contains how much percentage of water?
Answer: About 95%
The femur bone is the longest bone in the human body. Is it true?
Answer: True
How much time need the sunlight to reach the earth?
Answer: 8 minutes and 20 seconds
Do you know how many pints of blood the human body contains?
Answer: 10 – 11 pints on average
In our solar system, how many planets have moons?
Answer: total 6 planets have moons
Do you know the number of moons on the planet Jupiter?
Answer: 67 known moons
Random trivia questions and answers
Random trivia questions with answers contain trivia questions related to different topics such as sports, science, music, movies, planets, etc. This section is not topic-specific. Most students love to learn different topics at the same time. So this section is totally for such types of students.
If you are a group of students then you can play a trivia game with these random trivia questions by converting these questions as quiz questions? Distribute the questions in section 5 and ask questions to a member one by one. And at the end of the quiz, you can give numbers to individuals according to the correct answers.
Which 2 elements of the periodic table are liquid at room temperature?
Answer: Mercury and Bromine
The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world. Is it true?
Answer: True
Using a telescope what was the first planet to discover?
Answer: Uranus
Do you know the abbreviation of NASA?
Answer: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Which planet is the rockiest and most dense?
Answer: Earth
Meteorology is the study of what?
Answer: Study of weather
Oncology is the study of what?
Answer: Study of cancer
Who is the founder of the company called “The Boring Company”?
Answer: Elon Musk
At what age did Elon Musk move to Canada from Pretoria?
Answer: At the age of 17
Elon Musk matriculate from which university?
Answer: Queen’s University
In which year did Elon Musk move to California from Canada?
Answer: in 1995
What was the first company founded by Elon Musk?
Answer: Zip2
Elon Musk was one of the co-founders of which famous online bank?
In 2000 which 2 companies merge to form PayPal?
Answer: and Confinity merge to form PayPal
In which year did Elon Musk create SpaceX an aerospace manufacturing and space transport service company?
Answer: In 2002
Read more: Best 80+ Random Trivia Questions and Answers To Learn Facts
Holiday trivia questions and answers
Christmas Day, Thanksgiving Day, Veterans Day, Labor Day, Independence Day, Juneteenth Day, Memorial Day, and Martin Luther King Jr. Day are some most popular holidays across the USA. In this specific topic of Holiday trivia questions and answers, we are going to learn about these Holidays.
Above all, the Christmas holiday is the most popular and famous. That’s why we are covering Christmas trivia questions mostly on this topic.
During holidays people love to travel, watch movies, hanging with friends, Fishing, and Parties with friends, and students love to play some online trivia games.
In which year was the Christmas holiday declared a national holiday?
Answer: In 1870
Rosh Hashanah is one of the famous Jewish holidays. True or false?
Answer: True
What is the duration of the popular festival Kwanzaa?
Answer: Kwanzaa starts on December 26 and ends on January 1
Hanukkah is the famous festival of which religion?
Answer: Jewish
What is the meaning of Hanukkah?
Answer: Hanukkah means dedication
Kwanzaa starts in which year?
Answer: In1966
Which color trees are normally used in the festival of Kwanzaa?
Answer: Black, red and green
On average an individual spend how much money on gift during holidays in the US?
Answer: Approximately $1000
Home Alone is the highest-grossing Christmas movie. Is it true?
Answer: True
What is the most popular day for purchasing gifts?
Answer: Black Friday
The tradition of Christmas trees starts in which country?
Answer: Germany
Feliz Navidad is the ______ way to say Merry Christmas?
Answer: Spanish way
Before the lights, what do people put on their Christmas trees?
Answer: Candles
Eggnog first time introduced by which country?
Answer: Britain
True or false: Alabama is the first start to declare the Christmas holiday as an official holiday?
Answer: True
Read more: Funny and Exciting 80+ Holiday Trivia Questions and Answers
Music trivia questions and answers
Whether you are South American, North American, European, or Asian music is everywhere and everyone loves to listen to music. Some people love to hear pop music and some people love classical music, some love fast and some solo. Music trivia questions and answers will give you knowledge about pop music and classic music creators.
When we talk about pop music then how we can forget the king of Pop music is Michael Jackson. In this topic, you’ll get knowledge about the ’80s and ’90s music culture also. Some of the music trivia questions and answers are for kids which could be very basic, and some music trivia questions are hard.
Who is popular as the “Queen of Pop” music?
Answer: Madonna
In 2008 which musician broke the record of youngest ever to win a Grammy for album of the year?
Answer: Taylor Swift
The first western artist-musician who perform in a concert in China was?
Answer: Wham
In 1986 which group sang the famous music “Walk like an Egyptian”?
Answer: The Bangles
What was the specialty instrument of Huey from Huey Lewis and the News?
Answer: Harmonica
Michael Jackson started professional music scenes at what age?
Answer: At the age of 5
Jackson made his professional debut in which year?
Answer: In 1964
Jackson 5 is a famous band of the Jackson family. Do you know the name of the 5 members?
Answer: Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon, and Michael Jackson
Later on, the band name Jackson 5 changed to what?
Answer: Jacksons
The fifth solo studio album of Michael Jackson was released on which date?
Answer: 10 August 1979 and the album was recorded in Epic Records studio
The famous Michael Jackson song “Dangerous” was released on which date?
Answer: November 26, 1991
What is Michael Jackson’s best-selling album of all time?
Answer: Thriller
Which famous female singer won the best new artist Grammy award?
Answer: Cyndi Lauper
In 1995 which band did Robbie Williams leave and start his solo career?
Answer: Take That
True or false: Ireland is the only country that has won 3 Eurovision Song Contests in a row.
Answer: True
Read more: 70+ Exciting Music Trivia Questions and Answers
Sports trivia questions and answers
I enjoy a lot writing these sports trivia questions and answers because I love sports. within sports, I mostly love to play Tennis, Basketball, and baseball. Sports trivia questions actually give you the knowledge that you need. Whether it is about the rules and regulations of any sports, or about the famous sports persons.
In this specific topic, we have covered basketball, tennis, football, and some famous personalities related to those sports which are mentioned above. You can find some easy sports trivia questions as well because most of the kids love sports and want to learn the basics of sports. So by keeping that thing in mind we have covered easy and popular sports trivia questions.
The admiral is the nickname of which NBA 1990s player?
Answer: David Robinson
Men’s single Tennis Masters Cup 2006 was played in which country?
Answer: China
Who was the winner of the 2006 Tennis Masters Cup?
Answer: Roger Federer
What is the total number of divisions in the national football league?
Answer: Total 8 divisions in NFL
40 – 40 is called what in the Tennis world?
Answer: Deuce
In 2015 which NBA player filed a lawsuit against an American grocery-store chain and won $8.9 Million?
Answer: Michael Jordan
In which year did Tiger Woods become a professional golfer?
Answer: in 1996
In which year the first American football game was played?
Answer: on 6 November 1869
The first game of football was played between which two teams?
Answer: The game was intercollegiate and played between Rutgers and Princeton
“Run TMC” belongs to which team of the NBA?
Answer: Golden State Warriors
In 2016 which Tennis player won the sportsman of the year award from Laurens World Sports Awards?
Answer: Novak Djokovic
Who was the shortest player to play NBA?
Answer: Tyrone Bogues
What is the total number of teams in the American National Football League?
Answer: 32 teams
” Sweetness” nickname goes to which famous NFL player?
Answer: Walter Payton
True or false: Famous NBA player of 1990’s Kevin Johnson serve as mayor of California city between 2008 – 2016?
Answer: True
Read more: Exciting 80+ Sports Trivia Questions and Answers
2021 trivia questions and answers
On which date did the border between Qatar and Saudi Reopened?
Answer: January 4, 2021
In 2021 on which date was the general election of Ugandan held?
Answer: on 14 January 2021
On which date did Joe Biden become the 46 president of the USA?
Answer: On 20 January 2021
Due to February 13 – 17, 2021 North American winter storm how many people died?
Answer: Approximately 136 people
On which date did the United State rejoin the Paris agreement after 107 days of leaving?
Answer: On February 19
The first-ever meeting of Pope Francis and the Grand Ayatollah Ali Al-Sistani was held on which date and in which city?
Answer: The meeting was held on 6 March 2021 in Najaf city of Iraq
The Israeli general election 2021 was held on which date?
Answer: 23 March 2021
On which date did Roscosmos launch the Soyuz MS-18 mission?
Answer: 9 April 2021
Who won the 2021 Masters Golf Tournament and became the first person in Japan who won a major golf championship?
Answer: Hideki Matsuyama
UEFA Euro 2020 starts on which date?
Answer: June 11, 2021
Which team won the UEFA Euro 2020 championship?
Answer: Italy won the championship by beating England on penalties.
On which date did Microsoft announce the launching date of Windows 11?
Answer: On June 24, 2021, Microsoft announced that Window 11 will launch in October 2021
In July 2021 the International Olympic Committee awards the right to host the 2032 Summer Olympics to which city?
Answer: Awards to Brisbane
On which date in 2021 the United States withdraw its last remaining troops from Hamid Karzai International Airport Kabul and ended 20 years of operations in Afghanistan?
Answer: 30 August 2021
What is the first country that accepts bitcoin as an official currency?
Answer: El Salvador
Read more: 50+ Prominent 2000s Trivia Questions and Answers
2020 trivia questions and answers
2020 trivia questions and answers topic is very important because we are covering Covid-19 in this topic.
The year 2020 was terrible for all due to this deadly pandemic which is called the “Corona Virus” a virus that was spread from China city of Wuhan and suddenly covered the whole world. Which result in 6.32M deaths till now (18.06.2022) and 538M cases.
In this 2020 trivia questions list, we are covering Covid-19 and some other important incidents held in 2020. So if you are curious to know more about Covid-19 then stay with us and continue to ready the easy and famous 2020 trivia questions and answers.
On what date a United States drone strike at Baghdad International Airport and killed Iranian general Qasem Suleiman and Iraqi paramilitary leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis?
Answer: On January 3, 2020
On January 8, 2020, which country airline was shot down by Iranian forces after takeoff from Tehran Imam Khomeini International Airport?
Answer: Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 in result 176 people killed on board
On February 29, 2020, what agreement was signed between the United States and the Taliban
Answer: Conditional Peace Agreement
Which was the first country to implement nationwide quarantine in response to the covid-19 outbreak?
Answer: Italy
On which date the World Health Organization declares the covid-19 as a pandemic?
Answer: On March 11, 2020
On which date in 2020 Mount Everest was closed for the climbers due to Covid-19?
Answer: 13 March 2020
On which date has china reported no new cases of Covid-19 for the first time since the pandemic begins?
Answer: On May 23, 2020
On which date was George Floyd killed by a policeman and caused a breakout across hundreds of cities in the US?
Answer: May 26, 2020
Which is the first Central American country that legalizes same-sex marriage?
Answer: Costa Rica
On which date did 20000 tons of oil leak into the Ambarnaya River near the Siberian city of Norilsk?
Answer: On 26 May 2020
What is the name of the first nuclear power station in the Arab world?
Answer: Barakah nuclear power plant
On which date explosion occurred in Beirut port due to unsafely stored ammonium nitrate?
Answer: on August 4, 2020
Due to Beirut, Lebanon port explosion how many people died?
Answer: 218 people died
Who is the longest-serving prime minister in the history of Japan?
Answer: Shinzo Abe
At what age did the Emir of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Al-Sabah die on September 29, 2020?
Answer: He died at the age of 91
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