Nearly Impossible Trivia questions and Answers typically combine difficult and unexpected topics. Despite how challenging they are to answer, it can be a lot of fun. Some information is not generally known by everyone. Since finding this information requires more time and effort. Therefore, we invested our time and effort into uncovering these nearly impossible trivia questions and answers so that you might easily learn them.
To answer correctly the nearly impossible trivia questions and answers below, you must possess extremely strong general knowledge abilities. Another option is to play a game where each party has to guess what the other would choose as their response. In either case, your game night is guaranteed to be enjoyable with this selection of very difficult trivia questions! After each query come the answers, which are in bold.
Famous Nearly Impossible Trivia Questions and Answers
What is the motto of Motorola?
Answer: “Hello Moto”
What is Dystychiphobia?
Answer: Fear of accidents
Who has written the famous book: Lolita?
Answer: Vladimir Nabokov
Which acid is naturally derived from sugar cane?
Answer: Glycolic acid
Which is called The Smoke?
Answer: London
What is the most common name in the Bible?
Answer: Zachariah
What song is sung the most?
Answer: Happy Birthday
Guru Nanak founded which religion?
Answer: Sikhism
What is its motto of Wendy?
Answer: “Where’s the Beef?”
What city is called the world’s chocolate capital?
Answer: Hershey Pennsylvania
How many times does lightning strike the earth per minute?
Answer: 6,000 times per minute
How much time do we spend per day texting?
Answer: 26 minutes
How many eggs do American eats on average per year?
Answer: 250 eggs per year
Which weekday morning is the most productive, according to a study of the past year?
Answer: Mondays
What is the most common reason people visit the emergency room?
Answer: Skin infections
How many diapers does the average parent-child have during one child’s life?
Answer: 3,728
What is the second most popular social media network in the USA?
Answer: Instagram
You eat this every day, but eating .001% of your body weight of it will kill you. What is it?
Answer: Salt
5% of people come home early and caught their partner doing this:
Answer: Cheating on them
Playing this game improves your brain function:
Answer: Tetris
The average person said they were 16 the first time they experienced this:
Answer: Their first cup of coffee
In a new survey, 11% of dads want this for Father’s Day. What?
Answer: Beer
What will the average American use 20 gallons of in a lifetime?
Answer: toothpaste
Nearly Impossible Trivia Questions and Answers Movies
The code in The Matrix comes from what food recipes?
Answer: Sushi Recipes
Who voices Joy in Pixar’s Inside Out?
Answer: Amy Poehler
Who directed the hit 2017 movie Get Out?
Answer: Jorden Peele
Which is the first movie in the Austin Powers franchise?
Answer: Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
How many Oscars has Halle Berry won?
Answer: 1
Who directed Silence of the Lambs?
Answer: Jonathan Demme
Who played Wendy Torrance in The Shining?
Answer: Shelley Duvall
Which actor plays Private Ryan in Saving Private Ryan?
Answer: Matt Damon
What is the name of Jeff Goldblum’s character in Jurassic Park?
Answer: Dr. Ian Malcolm
What 1927 musical was the first “talkie”?
Answer: The Jazz Singer
Who played Juror Number 8 in 12 Angry Men?
Answer: Henry Fonda
Nearly Impossible Trivia Questions and Answers Sports
What did Cup act as the women’s equivalent to tennis’ Davis Cup?
Answer: The Fed Cup
What country won the 2010 World Cup?
Answer: Spain
What sports venue sold its naming rights before any other?
Answer: Foxboro Stadium
What first name belonged to the late Yogi Berra?
Answer: Lawrence Peter Berra
The NHL formed in what decade?
Answer: 1917
A role involves what sport?
Answer: Logrolling
Which team has the most NBA titles?
Answer: Boston Celtics
What was the fastest goal in World Cup history?
Answer: 10.8 seconds
What is the name of a soccer field?
Answer: Pitch
Who was the first woman to win the US Women’s Open?
Answer: Patty Berg
What material was first used to cover baseballs?
Answer: Cowhide.